Bullseye Survey

Key Features

  • Surveys can be custom-branded, with fully configurable directions and messaging
  • Multiple survey campaigns may run concurrently
  • Surveys can be anonymous or non-anonymous
  • There are a wide range of survey formats, including free emoji responses
  • Access the analytics through survey Dashboards
  • AI assisted summary of open-end text responses
  • Survey can be deployed through e-mail or QR code
  • Survey questions and formats are easily configurable by clients
  • Results are compiled in real-time, providing immediate feedback from constituencies
  • Results may be filtered by any demographic designator or exported for further data manipulation
  • Access to survey results is privilege-based
Bullseye Survey
Action Plan

Action Plans

Move from insight to action

When employees see action after a survey they are 12x more likely to be engaged the following year.*
Use Action Plans to connect survey results with your path to meaningful improvement